Important Dates & Announcements
March 3rd-14th: Clean Sweep Stakes Challenge
South Row has a long tradition of giving back to our community. We hope you'll consider joining us in collecting the following full-size items for Community Teamwork: shampoo, conditioner, body wash/bar soap. Each class that collects 25 or more items will be entered to win 1 of 3 $200 Scholastic Gift Certificates to shop the Book Fair!
March 17th-121st: Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is back! Students will have to opportunity to shop during their regularly scheduled library times during school. We will also have a family shopping night & BOOKO (book bingo) game night on Wednesday 3/19 from 5:30-7:30, Flyers will be coming home with details. Sign-Ups to help set-up, assist students shopping, run registers, help with Family Night, and break-down the fair can be found here.
March 19th: 5:30-7:30pm Book Fair Family Night
Join us for some family fun, games, and of course books! Our Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the library for families to shop an expanded inventory AND we will have BOOKO (book themed bingo) taking place in the cafe. It's free to play and there will be prizes for the lucky winners.
New Fundraiser- March is National Art Month!
In celebration we have partnered with Artkive to give families $20 off their order. The PTO will also receive $20 for each purchase when you use code SRPTO20 at checkout. Artkive transforms your child's artwork into memory books and keepsakes. Simply mail in your pieces in their provided box and choose how you want Artkive to preserve them. Click the link to find out more and don't forget to use code SRPTO20 to save $20 on your purchase. This offer will run until September 2025.
April 5th: Multicultural Festival 1:00-3:00pm
**Put on by the South Row School Council**
May 17th: 6-8pm Basket Raffle & Sunshine Dance
Before we can hit the dance floor and make your day winning one of our GINORMOUS raffle baskets at the Sunshine Dance, we need your help to ASSEMBLE the raffle baskets themselves! Please "click the pic" or here to find out more and sign-up to assist with item collection, selection, and building the themed raffle basket for your child's class. Questions about the raffle baskets? Email More info about the dance will be released closer to the event.
Don't Forget to Read the Weekly Home Link Email & Check Out the PTO Corner!!